Six days in September: NFL players seized control as league scrambled

Six days in September: NFL players seized control as league scrambled

Don Van Natta Jr. and Seth Wickersham for ESPN:

And so on Tuesday afternoon, 48 hours after the protests had defined a football Sunday, about 25 team owners entered the league's headquarters at 345 Park Avenue in New York City for routine committee meetings that quickly became anything but. Many barely paid attention during a stadium finance presentation. Finally, in the late afternoon, there was a meeting with owners and league executives to discuss what had happened. By then, Trump had tweeted nearly two dozen times attacking the NFL and its players. Tempers were hot.

I'm not a football guy—or a sports guy of any kind really—but if you're interested in some of the behind the scenes of the NFL players' protests during the national anthem, this is a worthwhile read.

Logan Stoodley