2019: A Reading Year-In-Review

2019: A Reading Year-In-Review

The past few years, I have been working on reading more books. I read all the time while growing up, but my reading habits suffered after graduating college. I still reading constantly, but Reddit and short news pieces aren’t the same as sitting down with a book. A few years back, when I was in-between jobs and had too much free-time on my hands, I started to taking advantage of the library. In 2019, I took advantage of my commute on the almost adequate LA Metro to read even more. Teenaged Logan would still win, but present-day Logan might give him a run for his money¹. Here are the books I read in 2019 (in alphabetical order by title/series):

The Consuming Fire (The Interdependency, Book 2), by John Scalzi

Elantris, by Brandon Sanderson

The Firebird Trilogy, by Claudia Gray:

A Thousand Pieces of You
Ten Thousand Skies Above You
A Million Worlds with You

Mistborn, by Brandon Sanderson:

The Final Empire
The Well of Ascension
The Hero of Ages
The Alloy of Law
Shadows of Self
The Bands of Mourning
Secret History

Star Wars:

A Crash of Fate, by Zoraida Cordova
Alphabet Squadron, by Alexander Freed
Galaxy’s Edge: Black Spire, by Delilah S. Dawson
Last Shot, by Daniel José Older
Master and Apprentice, by Claudia Grey
Queen’s Shadow, by E.K. Johnston
Rebel Rising, Beth Revis
Resistance Reborn, by Rebecca Roanhorse
Thrawn: Treason, by Timothy Zahn
Thrawn: Alliances, by Timothy Zahn

The Stormlight Archive, by Brandon Sanderson:

The Way of Kings
Words of Radience

Tiamat’s Wrath (The Expanse, Book 8), by James S.A. Corey

Warbreaker, by Brandon Sanderson

The Witcher, by Andrzej Sapkowski:

Sword of Destiny
The Last Wish
Blood of Elves
Time of Contempt

A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K LeGuin

  1. Unless you want to give increased weight to the fact that teenaged-Logan would be reading 1984 or Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, not another Star Wars novel.

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