Posts tagged Rush Limbaugh
19th Century Proto-Karens

A Group of 19th Century Proto-Karens

In the oral histories of the Washoe tribe, there is a tragic and shocking story about a group of American settlers headed west. You can read more here, but I’ll quickly summarize.

It was late winter in the mountains. The passes snowed over, trapping the settlers. Realizing that the group was ill-equipped and unlikely to survive, the Washoe decided to help.

They left food on the edge of the camp, but the settlers never took it. One time, the Washoe even tried to bring the settlers a deer that could be butchered for meat. Instead of offering thanks, the settlers fired their guns.

Still concerned, the Washoe continued to watch their new neighbors. Their scouts were terrified by what happened next.

That group of settlers was the Donner Party.

Here is that same story, but as told by an idiot named Rush Limbaugh:

You’ve heard of the Donner Party? Maybe some of you haven’t. The Donner Party, the Donner family and a bunch of travelers trying to get to California over the Sierra Nevada mountain range. They made the mistake of trying to make the trip in the middle of winter. We’re talking the Lake Tahoe region. They get to the peak. It was so bad that they had to turn to cannibalism to survive. … They didn’t complain about it, because there was nothing they could do. They had to adapt. This is what’s missing. There seems to be no concept of adaptation. There seems to be no understanding in the millennial generation that we can adapt to this.

They were offered food, and the Donner Party opened fire.

They were starving and freezing, and people began to die. But instead of accepting help from a stranger, they adapted, and began to eat their dead.

We can adapt and beat COVID-19 — by staying home. We can help stop the spread by wearing masks.

Over 100,000 people are dead, but some argue “there was nothing they could do.”

Instead of staying home or putting on a mask, these people would rather grab their guns and storm state houses while screaming about the death of freedom.

We don’t need to take inspiration from the Donner Party. This country has plenty of fools already acting like them.

The Donner Party was just a group of 19th Century proto-Karens.